Hostels and Mountains

Hostels and Mountains

The rain stopped overnight, but most of my gear was wet from the previous days. During mid day I was able to dry some of it out in an open spot at a trail crossing. That made it easier sleeping for the evening. Did a larger water fording today… although as a buddy of mine corrected… it was really just a stream crossing, and he’s right. But they still are fun and the cold water feels great on my feet!

The river (stream) crossing

The bugs have been incessant. Even at the tops of the mountains. Wind and rain are the only real deterrents. But when you are near any water they swarm you, and there’s lots of water.

Bugs on mountain tops

Seems like every so often, and more often than expected, we must walk over what I like to refer as balance beams. They are actually bog crossings, I believe. There are A Lot of them! Below is a typical beam. If you zoom in to the middle… you will see a snake just caught a frog. A frog which I scared while walking the beam. I have officially scared a frog to death. (Rimshot)

A beam, a frog, a snake

After spending 10 days in the 100 Mile Wilderness, I was ready for some hospitality. I called Shaw’s Hiker Hostel for a pickup. I couldn’t wait for a bed.


Shaw’s is awesome! It’s super chill, super friendly, and just what a hiker needs after the 100. I met up with a lot of the hikers that I saw the last many days. We were able to catch up and get to know one another better. Met some new hikers and chatted up with them. Got some food re supply, a couple of new gear things. And, I know most of you won’t believe this, but, found out I knew someone. He’s from the Czech Republic and we met on the PCT 5 years ago. Although we didn’t so much remember each other as we knew a ton of the same people and his start date was only two days different then mine. This year he’s on the AT going for his triple crown! And I wish him all the luck!!

My room at Shaw’s

Spent a ‘zero’ day here to rest. A zero means hiking zero miles for the day. I took it to rest, eat up and plan my next couple of sections. Got my gear ready, and took off the morning after my zero. After a hearty breakfast, of course.

Hikers having breakfast

Said goodbye to the owner of Shaw’s, Poet. (Actually said by when he dropped a few of us off at the trailhead, but I think this is a great pic of his hospitality!)

Poet making us breakfast

Said goodbye to the hostel pup Indigo!


And got out there, and walked more beams!


It was a great first day back out. I got 18 miles done, and felt refreshed. Got to see some really fun areas, like this cave, rock overhang.

Little cave

Climbed to the top of Mt Moxie Bald.

Moxie Bald Mtn

Still lots of rocks and roots, but as I continue I get more excited for what else I may see, and who I may meet. I wonder what’s next?

Deep thoughts on Mountain tops

June 10th – June 16th

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